I write this just after the liftoff from the moon +40 years.
Many thanks to amsat and to nasa for the thrilling participation in the moon landing - again,+40.
Last night as the *live* audio came over the 'net I sms/texted my (grown up) kids as if it were live - GO for powered descent, 44000 ft, 60 seconds etc - and they really got excited about it! "Sorry what?" "Where are you getting this from?" "Wicked!" My teenage son said how he could tell his son (if and when he will ever have one, hi) how his father and grandfather heard and saw it live, and how he experienced it "live" with his own father: and so the generations go on.
and to get a picture live from space, with the voice of JFK - another story - Buzz, and Neil, made a superb evening and worthy of such an anniversary.
many thanks
andy G0SFJ