Drew, Thanks for your prompt answer to my queries.
That's precisely why I asked ... so as not get get up anyone's nose.
Actually, I can't work PSCAT or GO-32.
As I mentioned, I'm totally blocked by mountains for the ISS (so that rules out PCSAT too) at 1200bps and the IC-E91 would be impossible !! to modify for 9600bps operation, even though MixW would generate it. I believe one needs to "go in" somewhere near the varactor nodulator for 9600bps and for an IC-E91 that would entail micro-surgery ... when ICOM say "low speed digital communications" I believe they mean about 25 bps a day! into the data connector.
I find I can't get into AO-51 (portable) with low power and an Arrow aerial due to the alligators - people calling a station that is actually still speaking ... (on FM !!) ... is typical of the AO-51 operating I've been monitoring ... in other words, sending all the wrong signals to the potential newcomer.
There have been "reams" written on this subject but the age-old technique of an inadequate receive system ensures the punter turns up the wick to compensate - and cocks it up for everybody ... seems to be the order of the day on AO-51.
Thanks anyway Drew - guess I'll just have to take up stamp collecting instead.
73 John. [email protected]