Hi, think I finally found out why there was not as great a difference on the LHCP compared to RHCP or so I thought and yes it was operator error (you guys already knew that I think hi). Problem was I was using NOAA satellites as my signal source for a RHCP and when I switched to LHCP could still hear them well. Truth of the matter is the signal here on RHCP is massive around 59+40db on a normal pass, when I switched to LHCP the signal was still BIG (59). So the truth of the matter is, there is a huge difference to my RHCP and LHCP but I should not have used such a large signal as a reference source. I realized what might be the error and checked it by sending my 14 year old son Cameron (2E0BAU) out on a 10 mile bicycle ride with a Yaseu VX2r handheld and a small yagi (similar to arrow). having got to a nice high spot, he pointed the yagi in my direction, he then spun the yagi slowly in a RHCP everything was fine (around 0.1watt output from VX2r) but when he spun the yagi in the wrong sense he was a very poor signal. So now I have got that sorted, I am happy but sadly Cameron is not, very heavy downpour on his way back home on the bicycle, got very wet! Still its all in the name of science! regards Gus M0IKB