Hello Burns, All the four stages of PSLV are indigenous one's. Only GSLV depended upon Russian fourth stage cryogenic engines. So far, 18 PSLV's were launched and 17 were successful. Yesterday's PSLV-C16 was 17th consecutive successful launch.
Hello Trevor, None of the two piggy backs i.e. Youthsat or Xsat have any amateur radio frequencies. One of the two Indian payload on-board Youthsat is called RaBIT-Radio Beacon for Ionosphere Tomography for mapping the Total Electron Content (TEC) of the Ionosphere to generate tomograph of the region. The frequencies are 150 Mhz and 400Mhz.
73 de Mani, VU2WMY Secretary & Station-In-Charge Upagrah Amateur Radio Club VU2URC ISRO Satellite Centre HAL Airport Road, Bangalore-560 017. Phone:(O)91-80-25082054/2598/2192 Mobile: 91-80-98803 41456 E-mail ID: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
Quoting Burns Fisher [email protected]:
Thanks for posting this...I'm happy that they had a PSLV success after several problems. I assume this is their last Russian upper stage, and not the indigenous one that they are developing. Things are a little tight for them with their upper stage inventory...
73, Burns W2BFJ
On Thu, Apr 21, 2011 at 5:41 PM, Trevor . [email protected] wrote:
Good to see another successful launch by ISRO yesterday. Youthsat and two others went into a 800km orbit.
The Hindu - Three satellites in good health http://www.thehindu.com/sci-tech/technology/article1715486.ece
YouthSat is a 92 kg satellite, developed by students of Russian and Indian universities to study the relationship between solar variability and thermosphere-lonosphere changes. The satellite has a two-year life will carry two Indian and one Russian payloads.
I've not seen any mention of frequencies in relation to Youthsat, anyone know which part of the spectrum it's operating in?
73 Trevor M5AKA
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