Hi Steve!
Videos of the six presentations at the AMSAT Forum at the 2009 Dayton Hamvention are now on the AMSAT website. Click on this link
or go to the AMSAT website and click on AMSAT Video News about halfway down the page in the left column.
Thanks for your work with the camcorder at Dayton! During the AMSAT Forum, I had asked if videos would be made available in some form - and it's nice that they have. I will look at them when I return home tomorrow, and have access to broadband.
A question... regarding Richard Garriott, you uploaded one video of Richard speaking during the AMSAT Forum at the HamVention:
- Richard Garriott's forum talk (mislabeled on the web site as the
Banquet presentation, actual length about 15 minutes) on his visit to the ISS.
Is there any chance of posting Richard's talk at the AMSAT/TAPR Banquet the night before the AMSAT Forum? I thought I saw you with the camcorder there as well. That talk was longer, and would be a great addition to what Richard said at the Forum.
Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK http://www.wd9ewk.net/