We are enabling PSAT2 for users (inclding APRS2Voice
Here is how to use it (The status bits should show 01001110 1) Use 145.825 for digipeater (along with other APRS satellites 2) For digipeating use one of these paths: APRSAT, ARISS, etc 3) For APRS2voice send an APRS message to PSAT-SAY 4) Begin the first 10 chars of the message with "CCCCCC sez ..." 5) Followed by the text to be spoken.(no quotes) 6) CCCCCC is your callsign right-padded to 6 with spaces.
The satellite should ACK the packet uplink and then speak the text. APRS-to-Voice is enabled if the status bit is enabled: 01001110. showing that Reserved bit always on (01xxxxxx) PDK31 is disabled (xxxx1xxx) Dogoeater is enabled (xxxxx1xx APRS2voice is enabled (xxxxxx1x)
PSAT2 Voltage telemetry has failed so we will turn the PSAT2 user modes on as long as they work. Live telemetry on http://aprs.org/psat2.html