Users please refrain from any packets TO or VIA W3ADO-1.
We are trying to recover PCSAT-1 (NO-44). We only have one shot per day at a given lattitude and a given orbit when the sun angles are just perfect.. We were trying to recover today and would have been successful, but there were other signals on the air. These packets consumed all available power while we were trying to connnect the command link and made the link impossible.
We ask that ALL USERS not send any packets via the W3ADO-1 default callsign. This callsign means PCSAT-1 is in RESET condition and is power negative. If we can recover it this week, then PCSAT-1 will be useable for several weeks, but we only have a few day window during which this recovery is possible. This can only work if there is no contention on the uplink.
Please do not use W3ADO-1 in any way until it has been receovered. If you see the callsign PCSAT-1, then you are welcome to use it. But until then, we need every single packet worth of power to try to get in on the command link and get it set up for users.
So if it is using W3ADO-1, then that means it has not been set to low power mode and has not been receoverd. If it is using PCSAT-1, then that means we have turned it over to users.
I am glad to see users interested in using the bird. We are hopeful that we can recover it this week and then maybe get a few weeks of continuous use out of her. As always, unattended beacons are not welcome at this time.
See pcsat.aprs.org