Does anybody have experience with this combination? I've been having issues with my dedicated FoxTelem Raspberry Pi station, so I've taken it down in favor of my APRS SatGate (which uses an RTL-SDR instead of the FCDPP) - and decided to use the FCDPP for my Rx in my normal everyday shack operations. However I can't seem to connect to the dongle at all with GQRX. GQRX is doing something, but there is no waterfall and no audio.
I'm somewhat concerned that the issue with my FoxTelem station was with the dongle itself, as I seem to remember successfully connecting to the dongle with GQRX in the past. I've tried the dongle on two separate pcs running Ubuntu 18.04 with no luck. I am able to start FoxTelem on a raspberry pi and it seems to start decoding as expected (however the failure mode is when it's left unattended for a couple of days, it ends up stalling with a USB access error).
Any suggestions welcome. Thanks.
--Roy K3RLD