I am listening now lot of US stations on RS-44, but sometime is hard to make qso. I have info from K3SZH from aar29 web, that he heard me and called me, but I didn't hear him.
Very good window (the satellite has direct visibility to both QTHs) between JN89NS and FN1OF will be at 25th january 02:09:54 - 02:22:19 UT ( duration 12:25 ) and common elevation angle max 2.97 degrees. For EU stations will be night, but chance for contacts 7000 km long at this time is the best. I call it super-window. The average window length is 6 minutes.
Apogee of RS-44 for USA-EU QSOs has now optimal position, height of the RS-44 during window is between 1400-1500 km and ends at march -1, when ascending path will be yet good, but descending path will have very low height during the window. Next optimal time for EU-US QSOs will start at the begining of the june for descending path, month later for ascending path.
The same is valid for QSOs EU-China etc, with QTHs on similar latitudes..
I wish all of us to make many QSOs via RS-44 with USA-EU.
73 Jarda ok2gz