21 Jan
21 Jan
6:01 a.m.
At 09:03 PM 1/21/2007 +1100, Tony Langdon wrote:
And who on this side of the planer is at 60 degrees? Maybe a few seals and whales LOL Conversion between degrees and distance is not required much these days, with GPS and good maps. Nautical measurements are still used here in any case, in meteorology for example (wind speed is in km/h and knots).
I am (lat 60.675)...so there :-) If you meant lat -60, well you win, 73's, Ed - KL7UW ========================================= BP40iq, Nikiski, AK http://www.qsl.net/al7eb Amsat #3212 Modes: V - U - L - S USA Rep. for Dubus Magazine: [email protected] =========================================