At approximately 0111 UTC 12-Feb-2016, I was monitoring a wide spectrum in the area of 460 Mhz in hopes of seeing a signal with doppler movement that might correspond to the TLE track of the KMS-4 satellite launched by North Korea.
A very strong signal appeared up near 465.985 and tracked as you would expect. Since the signal strength and doppler movement correlated nicely to the track on Orbitron, I suppose there is a decent chance that I was actually receiving KMS-4.
Naturally I forgot to record the IF until well through the pass, but I don't really expect to be able to decode the signal anyway. I'm not even sure if there was anything but a carrier, to be honest.
On the outside chance that I did see anything on this pass, I was recording the screen and have uploaded the video to YouTube. Orbitron is very small on the right side as I wanted to have as much area as possible to watch for a signal in HDSDR.
The max elevation on the pass was 55 degrees. Antenna was a fixed, omni-directional QFH built for 432 Mhz. The radio was the SDRPlay RSP.
If anyone would like to see what the signal looked & sounded like, the video is at: (please jump to the 4:40 mark where the signal first appears)
Oh, and sorry about the manual tuning... not knowing the frequency beforehand, I did not have the software setup to track the doppler automatically.
-Scott, K4KDR Montpelier, VA USA