Thanks to all who have responded so far...this is gonna keep me busy for a while! :-)
On Mon, Aug 27, 2018 at 3:28 PM Philip Jenkins [email protected] wrote:
For the VHF/UHF contest in September, there will be a group active locally...and running 1.2 GHz!
Since L-band is active on AO-92, and I have the equipment - but no antenna - I'm looking for an L--band antenna that I can use both terrestrially and for the birds.
My preference is for M^2, but both yagis on their website are a little larger than what I'm looking for - but they are still under consideration.
Does anyone have recommendations for another brand, or have an appropriate one for sale? (I wish I had bought some of those loop yagis which were prominently displayed in Ball Arena at Hamvention in the early 90s...)
(I'll be at Shelby NC Hamfest this Saturday (mostly at the AMSAT info table), in case someone is attending who has one and wants to bring it .)
Philip N4HF