Heard you but was caught off-guard... I assumed you would TX on FM, but it seemed to be the normal USB downlink.
Won't be around for the upcoming CAS-4A pass, but have fun & good luck!
-Scott, K4KDR
On Tue, Dec 31, 2019 at 11:13 AM Roy Dean via AMSAT-BB [email protected] wrote:
I did some SSTV years ago via AO-40. Really fun. But with a LEO satellite, you will need to be actively adjusting for Doppler shift in real time, as SSTV is frequency sensitive. You might try some of the faster modes, especially since a pass is over in just a few minutes. Greg KO6TH
I just did a dry run with my station, and think I'm ready to try an actual pass. I will be operating in "Robot36" mode on CAS-4B (17:00z) and CAS-4A (17:30z) this afternoon as first attempt. I plan on shooting for the lower portion of the 2m passband (going to target the lowest published downlink frequency). I will likely announce several times prior to first transmitting to fine tune. My test image is very simple black and white call/grid. If anybody hears it, please feel free to respond with an image (short notice, I know), or voice. If you don't hear me, then something came up to pull me away from my computer or I simply can't get in.
--Roy K3RLD