Hello Joe, Apparently, Emily appears to have abandoned the "real" world and chooses to stay in the "virtual" world in SECOND LIFE.
(Her perogative!).
Consequently, She doesn't answer her mail so I didn't get the key I requested - which is a pity because the AO-7 log is already in quite a state of disarray - (which I warned about).
You'd think Emily would be interested in keeping the log "tidy" because a lot of people have mentioned what a useful resource it is.
However Joe, all is not completely lost ... each station can edit their OWN !!! entries ... (but no-one else's).
I put a message on both reflectors about this but as you can see from the log, several people just ignored it completely. It rather amazing that the next time they log on they don't see and correct their own mistakes - whether it's laziness or just being half asleep is anybody's guess.
To edit your own entry - just click on the hourglass at the left and a new window pops up ... edit it then delete the original "wrong" entry.
You can delete YOUR OWN entries - but nobody else's.
I *WISH* Emily would reply so that I can start cleaning up the errors.
Too many accumulative errors will soon have the data being "off" by a mile ... it's in everybody's interest to be dilligent when entering data in the log - and correcting any mistakes made ... they are after all quite obvious !!! with blank lines etc.
I just can't be bothered to e-mail all those that make mistakes and don't bother to correct them. I used to but I've given stopped handing out daipers.
I agree absolutely with your FM comments - you know my thoughts on that subject Joe.
I batted this to both reflectorsd on the offchance that those who have made mistakes might correct their own entries.
(Aye! ... and pigs might fly.....LA2QAA)
Have a nice day Joe mate.
73 John. la2qaa@amsat.org ..............................................................................................
From: k3szh@netzero.net Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2007 23:31:57 +0000 To: la2qaa@hotmail.com Subject: AO7 Lo
Hello John Would you be kind enough to correct my mistake above my >posting. I hope you are doing well. 73 Joe
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