14 Feb
14 Feb
11:34 a.m.
- N2Y0 says up/down is 437.550/437.550, ASFK, inactive. HeavensAbove
says 145.825/447.550 FM active. Who is right? How can I get correct frequencies to listen to?
Latest list of frequencies posted at: https://www.amsat.org/amateur-radio-on-the-iss/ The 145.825 MHz packet is most common operating mode. It has its on/off days depending on crew activity and radio health.
Watch the amsat-bb for ARISS school contact announcements. For example there is a school contact scheduled for next week - direct with a school in Ohio. The 145.800 MHz downlink will be good copy over a lot of the northeast and parts of the midwest.
Why the [time] difference?
Often related to differences in using local time and UTC on different sites. I'd go with the amsat predictor for now.
73 de JoAnne K9JKM
[email protected]