I should have mentioned: I swapped cables at the antenna and ran the az motor using the el cable and el side of the control box. The az rotator ran fine and the el meter on the box responded to the changing position. So it would appear the fault is not inside the motor housing but in either the az cable (very unlikely given everything is indoors) or in the az side of the control box. I will do a bit more swapping and see if the az cable can be eliminated as the problem. I think that’ll leave the meter circuitry on the az side of the box as the problem. Ray KN2K
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On Saturday, July 15, 2023, 11:30 AM, crohtun--- via AMSAT-BB [email protected] wrote:
I’ve had the rotator about two years and use it with antennas in the attic. Everything is working normally except the az meter on the controller no longer registers. The controller runs fine and the az and el motors are moving as they should. Fox Delta displays az and el properly, and matches what SatPC32 is telling it. But no reading on the G5500DC az meter anymore. The el meter remains fine. I can’t find a schematic for the DC version of the 5500. Anyone else had this problem and cured it? 73, Ray KN2K
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