Roy wrote:
I have been asked if any of the Explorer I recordings were still available in WAV, etc format. There is one posted at http://www.amsat.org/amsat-new/index.php. Select the "Select a Topic" drop down menu and scroll down to "Sounds from the first satellites." There are a few recordings there with the info about the recordings. One of them is the Explorer I telemetry. You will hear several constant audio tones with one of them shifting between two tones. There was a geiger counter on board that counted cosmic ray particles according to the info I have read. After a certain number had been counted the tone shifted and after another quantity had been counted it shifted back again.
Explorer 1 may not have been the first satellite in space, but it was the first to make a significant scientific discovery -- the Van Allen belts. That particle detector stopped reading above about 2,000 miles because it was saturated by the extremely high count.
I wonder if any of these recordings show that happening.