This ARISS statement was sent out within hours of the failed school contact, before most people even knew there was a problem. The first AMSAT statement, IIRC, was sent out two days after the launch, and even then it was only after Roy, K3RLD sent an email to amsat-bb asking for a status update. Then the update they finally delivered was a few sentences long, telling us to wait for more info. I think we waited a couple days more before we got the long statement. The third statement was sent out after a random ham did his own detective work and learned some information via a method it seems internal AMSAT folks had never even thought of or tried. Imagine if we were all working together, that information may have been realized much earlier.
This is speculation but it seems you and some others on amsat-bb are defending AMSAT when it doesn't make sense so you can maintain or increase a positive view of you by AMSAT leadership and officers. This could be caused by the cliquey nature of AMSAT leadership and officers. A clique is maintained by judgement of those on the outside and no one wants to be judged. The exclusivity also makes people want to get inside, and the only way to do that is to and prove you have the same opinions as them, causing some to defend their behavior when it doesn't make sense. FWIW, I used to want to be on the inside too and I avoided criticising them even when I thought they were doing something problematic. At this point I'm never getting on the inside so I have little to lose by criticizing them. Unfortunately they have most of the power. This is why they don't have to respond to the criticism or change even if it is fair criticism, but it's all I have so I'll keep doing it when I think it's appropriate. I try to support their actions when appropriate too.
John Brier KG4AKV
On Thu, Jan 28, 2021 at 11:09 PM Clint Bradford [email protected] wrote:
Not trying to create any drama between ARISS and AMSAT ...
I find it hard to believe your sincerity - i remember three statements from AMSAT on the new satellite.
Clint Bradford K6LCS