Some people have the "me, me, me" attitude, so they feel they're entitled. I don't mind hearing a SHORT QSO between ops. I've kept this in mind when I've worked the same station a few times, and have limited my comments to them to a sentence or two, so that others get a chance to get in.
[...] Lastly there are also the ops who apparently
aren't hearing the satellite and keep calling CQ, with stations answering them to no avail.
I can live with an occasional long QSO on non-transcontinental passes and don't mind so much the CQ'ers, as eventually someone straightens them up. (Although i must say i was really irritated by a long QSO on a certain transcontinental AO-51 pass about the problems of a local repeater where one participant could hear the other's uplink...)
My personal frustration is with the operators who say hello to the same operators, week after week (day after day?). More often than not, when i'm in an obscure grid square on a weekend transcontinental pass and want to give it away to people, this happens so much on AO-51 that i can't into the satellite at all. (In the mornings, this has become known as the 'breakfast club'.) I find it really annoying as i'm just doing this for other people, as one doesn't get any credit for these contacts for Worked All States, VUCC and many other awards. This definitely discourages roving; going where it may be difficult to work satellites and/or making arrangements with those one is vacationing with, only to find out one can't even get into the satellite...
I'm still looking for Delaware, South Carolina and current QSLs from three other Eastern states for WAS. But this situation has become so notorious that i find that many satellite operators are reluctant to work an FM bird, especially AO-51. And more than twice i've missed one of the states i merely need a QSL card from (Indiana) because of these hello'ers. And i don't get another chance with that station as he was also a rover. *sigh*
-- KD6PAG (Networking Old-Timer, Satellite QRPer)