Hi All,
I am pleased to submit my first operation report of AO-16 over West Malaysia.
Uplink: 145.920 MHz +/- Downlink: 437.025 MHz +/- Maximum Elevation: 25 degrees AOS: 1654 Local or 0854 UTC
I did not switch on the PC to perform automatic antenna and doppler tracking, so everything was done manually. Downlink doppler tuning was not as difficult as expected, though it takes some effort to tune the downlink especially approaching TCA. The downlink signal was very strong too, even without the mast head preamp switched on. USB seem to sound slightly better than LSB.
Surprisingly this bird hears very well. About 30 watts of uplink power into 2x10 elements horizontally polarized stacked yagi for 2M was about enough. On the downlink, a 2x15 elements horizontally polarized stacked yagi for 70 CM was used.
No stations were heard except HS1EAX that was coming in 59. Replied his call, but unfortunately, I got no response. I am really looking forward to work more stations via this amazing new bird soon. My thanks to the command team for taking all the effort to put this bird into the VHF FM/UHF SSB voice repeater mode.
73, Sion Chow Q. C., 9W2QC.