Hi Jeff!
After 159 days since submitting the paperwork and couple follow up e-mails, I finally received my VUCC Satellite award.
For some reason, I keep thinking I should've received some paperwork with the certificate and stickers. I thought they were suppose to have a copy of the grids already worked on a paper format. Maybe I'm thinking of something else. If anybody knows this to be true, please let me know. Maybe this wait isn't quite over yet.
If you are using LOTW and have defined a VUCC "account" in LOTW, that will be the place you can go to see which grids you have on your award. I never received any paperwork other than the certificate when I got mine in May. That might be the reason why you didn't get any other paperwork. Or it could have been an oversight by someone at ARRL HQ.
Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK http://www.wd9ewk.net/