4 Sep
4 Sep
7:32 p.m.
OK, sorry Drew.
For some reason I thought that the reload had been sucessful and it was back on! I had a sked organised with Patrick, WD9EWK in Arizona this evening and "heard" that it (AO-51) had had another software problem earlier this morning and was off again!
Obviously not true! :-[
David KG4ZLB
Andrew Glasbrenner wrote:
For a short bit more, yes. Still reloading. See my -bb post from 9/1.
73, Drew KO4MA
----- Original Message ----- *From:* David - KG4ZLB/MØZLB <mailto:[email protected]> *To:* Andrew Glasbrenner <mailto:[email protected]> ; AMSAT BB <mailto:[email protected]> *Sent:* Thursday, September 04, 2008 7:21 PM *Subject:* AO-51 Is AO-51 currently off ?? Thanks -- *David* *KG4ZLB/MØZLB* *www.kg4zlb.com <http://www.kg4zlb.com>* *www.mØzlb.com <http://www.m%D8zlb.com>* <!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->
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