Hi Everyone! I'll be activating FN17/18 this weekend, with stops in FN05/07/08 along the way. No stop in FN06 on the outbound trip because the timing didn't work out. I'll look into stopping there on my return trip on Sunday. Please let me know if none of the passes favour your location and kindly suggest an alternative. As always:1. Times are UTC and are my AOS2. Weather permitting3. Follow me on Twitter @ve3hls for updates 73, Ken Friday, FN05 Huntsville 02.02.2018 AO-85 16:29 CA 02.02.2018 AO-91 16:43 02.02.2018 AO-07 16:52 EU Friday, FN07 Temiskaming Shores 02.02.2018 AO-07 20:33 CA 02.02.2018 AO-85 21:34 02.02.2018 AO-73 22:18 SC 02.02.2018 AO-07 22:32 CA Saturday Morning, FN08 03.02.2018 AO-73 14:47 CA 03.02.2018 AO-85 15:13 CA 03.02.2018 AO-07 15:55 EU Saturday Afternoon, FN17 03.02.2018 AO-91 18:42 03.02.2018 AO-07 19:33 CA 03.02.2018 AO-85 20:19 03.02.2018 AO-07 21:28 CA 03.02.2018 AO-85 21:59 Saturday Afternoon/Evening, FN18 03.02.2018 AO-85 23:40 CA 03.02.2018 XW-2F 23:53 CA 04.02.2018 FO-29 00:06 UK 04.02.2018 AO-73 01:46 CA CA - Reaches to U.S. west coastEU - Reaches parts of EuropeSC - Reaches Scotland, CQ 2M0SQL!UK - Reaches most/all of U.K.