I have owned the FT-847 for five years and tried the TS2000 extensively. Both are excellent rigs. The only downside I see with the TS2000 is the birdie. However, it has a more sensitive and quieter receiver, has an antenna tuner and dual receive. On the other hand, the FT847 is probably the most used and reliable sat radio, from my observations working other people on the sats. Probably because it came out first and can be bought a little cheaper, now. If I was starting over and had to choose, it would be REALLY tough to choose between them. I probably would go with the TS2000 because it is a little more refined, quieter, and has a few more features. But the FT847 is solid, I love the rig, and you would have to pry it out of my cold dead hands. You can't go wrong either way. The FT847 is great IF you get a newer one in really good condition. Some of the early runs had some problems. The TS2000 wins on bells and whistles. Man.I'm no help at all!