We just turned the APRS digipeater back on, so you can test your systems.
(PSAT APRS was off for 2 days to adjust some internal parameters.)
Everyone should be able to use it: uplink & downlink for APRS 145.825 (UNPROTO APRS VIA ARISS)
!S 19:23:35 !PSAT-1>ARISS>APOFF:!25 . N\003 . WS040/999/W3ADO s#043610,0z290 !S 19:26:53 !IS0EBO-4>PSAT>ARISS*>APRSAT>WIDE>4P4TX3:'~<.l i/]73 FROM SPACE !T 19:27:04 !PA3GUO>APRS,PSAT,ARISS*,qAR,DK3WN-8::test APRS !S 19:27:06 !IS0EBO-4>PSAT>ARISS*>APRSAT>WIDE>4P4TX3:'~<.l i/]73 FROM SPACE !T 19:27:13 !PA3GUO>APRS,PSAT,ARISS*,qAR,DK3WN-8:Ready for Filed day !! !T 19:27:24 !PA3GUO>APRS,PSAT,ARISS*,qAR,DK3WN-8:Ready for Field day !! !S 19:27:39 !PSAT>ARISS>APRSON:!36 . N\005 . ES060/999/W3ADO s#043614,0z290 !S 19:27:40 !PSAT>ARISS>APRSON:s#043614,0z290,MLkMJlMHmMCmMemMhmLkmJlmHmlDnjanghnA !T 19:27:43 !PA3GUO>APRS,PSAT,ARISS*,qAR,DK3WN-8:PSAT is ready to be used on Field day 2015 !T 19:28:00 !PA3GUO>APRS,PSAT,ARISS*,qAR,DK3WN-8:U APRS VIA ARISS !T 19:28:38 !PA3GUO>APRS,PSAT,ARISS*,qAR,DK3WN-8:Also try thew PSK31 transponder ! !S 19:28:40 !PSAT>ARISS>APRSON:!39 . N\009 . ES060/999/W3ADO s#043615,0z290 !S 19:28:41 !PSAT>ARISS>APRSON:s#043615,0z290,knGlmKmlLmjNmgOm0OmEOlJOgLOdMNaNMDNK !S 19:29:23 !IS0EBO-4>PSAT>ARISS*>APRSAT>WIDE>4P4TX3:'~<.l i/]73 FROM SPACE
Also try the PSK transponder !
Have fun! Henk PA3GUO