This may be a dumb question, but has anyone had any experience or luck using stacked 432 and 144 loops? Seems they offer a little gain and a nice omni directional pattern. If they are high enough off the ground, some of the lesser lobes would point near straight up. I have used a 0 gain dual band loop (E-factor) with some success on the closer in passes of VO52, FO29 and AO7, but it has been not very effective with AO51. Of course, I know nothing would compare with a high gain, parasitic array, but not all of us have the means nor the location to do that. Stacked loops seem like a good idea, but I've never seen anyone mention it.
Thanks ....
Jim Bob Buckeye AKA **** Jim Leder**** K8CXM since 1961 IBM retiree since 1999
There are 10 types of people in this world -- those who understand binary and those who don't.