At the risk of inviting plenty of negative comments, but for the sake of experimentaion, I wonder if someone mkght want to try to make some CW contacts on the PSAT PSK31 HF transponder.
THe problem is if there is other 10m PSK31 activity, the terrestrial users would not like to see CW in the PSK31 band. But if no one else was on, it wouldnt bother me if someone wanted to experiment with CW via the PSAT uplink.
But if there is no one on PSK31, then the transponder wont come up... SO eitehr one of the experimenters needs to key down a PSK31 signal so others could send the CW. Or one person could try keying CW using their PSK31 carrier and then key that so that the 31Hz auto-key-up would bring the transponder up.
I hate to admit that I don't listen enough to know if this is a dumb idea or not.
On Wed, Aug 9, 2017 at 12:05 AM, Matthew Stevens [email protected] wrote:
I heard a couple of nice CW qsos on fo29 just now...they're out there, but not a huge amount of activity. CW gets a bad rap because of a few inconsiderate operators who run WAY too much power. The on/off nature of a cw signal combined with more than a few watts output is very hard on the satellites AGC system, and can make it difficult for other operators to use the transponder. Many people use cw to compensate for poor receive performance at their stations, "pumping" the birds receive AGC with high power and making it generally miserable for all the other operators.
That said, I've made at least one cw qso on fo29, and heard quite a few others that weren't abusing the transponder. When the power is kept down low (I would say maybe 3w or less, depending on the elevation of the bird during the pass) it can work well. No chirp, no hitting the AGC hard, just a good clean downlink signal.
Take a listen around some evening passes, you might hear more than you'd think!
- Matthew kk4fem
Sent from my iPhone
On Aug 8, 2017, at 22:46, mrtoburen7 [email protected] wrote:
Gentlemen, I'm pretty new to sats and very surprised there aren't any CW QSOs.
Why? CW is much easier to track than SSB w Doppler.
Marshall AA0FO
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