1 Jul
1 Jul
9:51 p.m.
That was a pretty good pass, given that I think I fried my preamp (enthusiasm should always be tempered with a checklist!) and I was aiming through the house here for the entire pass without the preamp then. I guess the chicken wire stucco didn't hurt as much as I thought it would have. Five stations in the log on that one, CO6CBF K4FEG K8YSE KB5AAB K4YYL the next pass about 03:10 UTC here will be another out the window pass although that is shooting over the mountains so LOS looks to be about 03:24 UTC here because of the mountains. I'll upload to LOTW after I return to the U.S. (and recover) later this week and make some QSLs if you want a paper one. 73!
Jerry HK5JY