Phillip, You have already gotten really good advice from others on FD operation, but I will offer one nugget from my experience: if you feel the pressure to make that one satellite contact for the club, here is my recommendation for the highest probability for success: - pick an ascending pass of FO-29, preferably to your East (at AOS it will be mostly over the Atlantic Ocean) - pick a frequency at least 5 kHz above the center's downlink with Doppler (at AOS this will be about 8 + 5 = 435.863 MHz) - assuming you are not using PC-control, set your trasnmit 5 kHz below the uplink center and call CQ - be ready for the pile-up from the dozen 4-call stations in FL who will all call you at the same time
You have about 60 seconds before the NE and mid-west get into the window... after that, just play the downlink audio for the audience.
73 es GL, Jerry, K5OE