Hi again, I listened for Alsat-1N ( Pratham ) on the subsequent pass -same frequency and equipment but also with an update to the keps. Those issued on the BBS posting. I regret to inform you that I heard nothing ? The pass was lower and in a sector were I have difficulty due to screening and reflection problems - Weather had also changed with very low cloud,mist and rain. Even AO-73 would not decode the dashboard data in the same sector during the same period.
I am certain about hearing a CW beacon in the previous pass. I had been setting up my gear for an AO-73 in that earlier pass and had USB selected for the downlink data.
Noticed that Alsat-1N was also approaching in the same ball part of time so decided to have a listen on the 145.980 Mhz frequency. That was when I started to hear the CW beacon but still had USB selected I selected CW and got a better copy as it approached. I wish that I been set up to record but of course was not planning for that particular satellite and pass. Had I done so it would have been useful to clarify any doubt about things and I am unsure why the subsequent pass showed no activity. Hopefully the satellite is alive and active and someone else also monitored and maybe even recorded the pass. Ken Eaton GW1FKY