Since this event last week, I am now getting several Conjunction near-miss reports to PCSAT per day compared to normally I get one a few times a month. So far, all have been several hundred meter misses. But the debris field has clearly increased.
Maybe eventually space will get so cluttered that the only applications that can productively use space are the ones that can keep launching replacements... only further compounding the problem.... Wonder which comes first. Global warming or loss of space usability... Bob, Wb4APR
-----Original Message----- From: Robert Bruninga Sent: Wednesday, November 25, 2015 2:18 PM Subject: Satellite Breakup and some debris?) -------- On 25 November 2015 at approximately 0816z, [multiple objects] were detected in the vicinity of NOAA 16 (#26536), which may indicate a breakup of the non-operational satellite. As of 1830z, 19 associated objects have been cataloged... More pieces may be cataloged as analysis continues... -------- Just a reminder how messy it is up there. Bob, WB4APR