On 10/25/2011 4:47 AM, Andre wrote:
Op 25-10-2011 1:36, Gregg Wonderly schreef:
The Amateur Radio service is the service.
All radio users are services. Even CB and FRS are services, heck it is in the acrynom of FRS Family Radio *Service*
The word service is not the primary issue Andre. It's the text of the FCC part 97 regulations which describe what the amateur radio service licensee is charged with. The text says that the services of the amateur are important to the communities around them, and to the art and science of radio based communication's evolution. It says that there are things we can do that will be real and valuable and that's why the allocation of the spectrum to our use is viable.
I find it really amazing how hard it is to convince people that in this free world, we all need to work together and sometimes that means you need to do something that helps someone else. Why that is so hard for some people I am just not sure. I guess if you want to have more taxes to pay, you could wait for someone from the government to be charged to do everything. Then, I guess, we wouldn't need to have Amateur Radio frequencies for our use. One could imagine that they'd go ahead and usurp all of our spectrum back to make sure we didn't interfere with their ability to do their job, while we are all setting around talking about how great it is that we don't have to help...
Gregg Wonderly W5GGW