I got one step further, but haven't succeeded yet. I have some recorded telemetry from XW2D and the decoded program from DK3WN up and running on Linux using Wine. The telemetry program needs a .kss file to give some useful data.
This is how far I got:
1) run a PulseAudio null sink with this command: pactl load-module-null-sink sink-name=virtual-cable
2) play the audio with Audacity
3) run Dire Wolf
4) use pavucontrol to set the output (Playback tab) for Audicity and the input (Recording tab) for Dire Wolf to the null sink
5) Dire Wolf will now happily take the audio from Audacity, which you can see by checking the VU meter in pavucontrol
That's it.
Dire Wolf has the -l command line option to set a directory for log files, but no option to set the file name or any other hint on how to save data as a file. I know it is mainly used as a pipe to decoding programs, but what is the option to save to file? It is not always feasible to decode from a live signal, so what I try to achieve is to decode from recorded material. Any hints appreciated.
73 de Hans