I've been using object 44348 but PSAT2 is arriving maybe 2 or 3 minutes earler Steve Dimse guesses 44357 below SATNOGS guesses 44354 or 44355 and thinks they see BRICSAT2 9600 bd on 437.600 Bob -----Original Message----- From: aprssig [email protected] On Behalf Of Steve Dimse Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2019 10:54 PM To: Max Harper via aprssig [email protected] Subject: Re: [aprssig] Designation for PSAT2
On Jun 25, 2019, at 8:33 AM, Max Harper via aprssig
[email protected] wrote:
Yes, the keplerian elements or TLE is what I'm looking for. I didn't
know that AMSAT assigned the numbers like NO-84 so I'll just have to wait for them to assign a designation to PSAT2.
The Falcon Heavy launch was designated 19-036 in NORAD elements, and there were more than 20 satellites from that one launch (designated by a final letter). Watching when IGates receive the beacons, my wild-ass guess is PSAT2 is 19-036U, but it could be R, S, or T, those are still pretty close together. Here is the latest TLE for 19036U
1 44357U 19036U 19178.41227610 .00060436 00000-0 94415-3 0 9996 2 44357 28.5325 187.1376 0389997 127.0282 350.5130 14.97361557 296
NORAD is releasing new keps for these several times a day as they refine them, so even if this is the right bird expect these to be worthless in a couple days.
Steve K4HG
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