I threw this out there on the eham satellite forum looking for answers but I'll try here too. I'm looking for some fairly simple plans for this antenna. Everything I find either seems to be intended for WiFi or if it is ham related is full of mathematical formulas to figure length, diameter, spacing etc. Math was never my strong suit so I'd prefer to find something with the actual already computed dimensions clearly stated. Preferably in English rather than metric measurements. I found an article in the May/June 2008 AMSAT Journal that looked promising but there are no hard numbers, just the formulas and I don't have a calculator capable of some of the computations, much less being able to work them out in my head. Been a long time since I was in school!.. hi hi... I have a downconverter I'm not sure even works and I don't want to spend a huge amount of time and trouble to be able to test it. Tnx and 73, Michael, W4HIJ