5 Sep
5 Sep
5:24 p.m.
On 09/05/2021 17:07, Robert Coppock wrote:
i need to aask why they would put all that payload on an untested first time rocket ? were the customers (free apparently) aware of the fact that it was rocket #1 ? what was the urgency ?
Of course everyone knew it was a first launch attempt for a new rocket. You hit the nail on the head - the price. These days, getting a satellite built is comparatively easy. Getting it launched is the hard AND EXPENSIVE part. Over the years, quite a few amateur satellites have been launched on rockets that were still pre-production - and a few have been lost. You take your chances on a free or very inexpensive launch.
Jim Walls - K6CCC
[email protected]
Ofc: 818-548-4804
AMSAT Member 32537 - WSWSS Member 395