Michael, W4HIJ wrote:
Interesting stuff Alex. I'm currently working on an FM satellite station as that's all I can afford at present but I hope some of the NextGen birds will carry linear transponders too. At any rate, it all sounds very exciting. 73, Michael W4HIJ
ARISSat-1 is flying a V/U Linear transponder with the 10.7MHz IF SDX board, the NextGen bus will fly the same equipment. I'm hoping that we can fly an L/S Linear transponder & 10.7MHz IF Matrix as payload on the NextGen satellites.
They're not going to be the most powerful transmitters nor the largest antennas flown, since we've got a limited power, mass, and volume budget.
Remember, we're talking about a 3kg mass budget, a 3 liter (10cm x 10cm x 30cm) volume budget and an 8w DC power budget for the spacecraft . . . Think the size of a loaf of bread.
Alex, N3NP