9 Nov
9 Nov
12:12 a.m.
Hi all,
My visit Thursday thru Sunday to my friends lake house in EM46 just finished. With a little Geo Cache trip Friday and a road trip Saturday afternoon, I worked quite a few stations from EM35, EM36, EM37, EM46 and EM47. As a few stations have already done, if you worked me and want a QSL, please send me an email with the date(s) and time(s) of our contact and I will be glad to send you a card.
You can get some real strange looks from the locals driving by at night, with an ELK and HT laying on the hood and a Laptop display glowing in the vehicle in the middle of nowhere. "Hey Bertha .... there's a UFO hunter over there."
73 to all, Rick - WA4NVM