Perhaps the TLM data could be dropped into a central database such how APRS data is into APRS-IS/findu. This could give fancy reporting and alert command stations that aren't near their stations to perhaps look at the next pass of TLM, etc if there is an issue. Just an idea. 73 de Pat --- KA9SCF
Yes, problem is that all the people who write code for ECHO are up to their necks in other work and there is not enough time to do these nice things. But yes, any satellite can trivially have a global automatic web page for telemetry and all the satellite has to do is downlink a packet in APRS telemetry format of
And that will turn into a historical graph up to the minute of display parameters. The FINDU web page already has a full display generator for ANY such APRS telemety packet for any station for any application. Nothing on the ground has to be done. Here are two examples:
And for an example of a quick demo, here is a KPC-3+ in a box With a solar panel on it and its 5 channels of analog telemetry Dunked in the water as a simulated ocean buoy:
And you can see where the buoy is of course by this web page:
Etc... WB4APR, Bob