AMSAT-DL and QARS asks the users of the new geostationary QO-100 satellite for radio discipline. During the last weeks some stations have been transmitting with much too much power and sometimes outside of the official band limits. Also permanent carriers are sent without indication of callsign. This was also critically observed in the control center of Es'hailSat in Qatar.
Please do not send louder than the CW beacon.
Stick to the band plan: No operation is allowed below the CW beacon and above the PSK beacon.
The satellite is not a measuring device: To test your power amplifier in continuous operation, please use a dummy load and a suitable measuring device.
Check regularly the bandwidth of your transmissions, maximum bandwidth 2.7 kHz, no FM.
Qatar has made a great gift to the amateur radio community with the Qatar OSCAR 100 satellite. We should act accordingly. Please kindly point this out to other stations on the transponder. If there are still violations, in the worst case a temporary shutdown could be expected.