Arrow II antenna. In your hand... Any yagi. In your hand... I operate portable in Southeast Alaska, which as far as weather is like Western Washington but colder, wetter, and in general more severe. And I use an Arrow, in my hands, winter, summer, whatever...
73, Gabe AL6D/VE6NJH
On Fri, May 3, 2019 at 1:08 PM Devin L. Ganger via AMSAT-BB < [email protected]> wrote:
Resending this to the list, instead of just to Sean. Sorry, Sean!
I have an Elk for my D72A and that works fine when the weather cooperates. Note below where I say I *replaced* the Baofengs - they're no longer in play, for anyone named David Swanson who cares to take a swipe at me for those.
For those times when it doesn't (I live in Western Washington, so that's quite a bit) I'm building something to mount on top of the house to use with my Yaesu 857D until I can afford a rotator + M2 LEO pack or something similar. We just bought our house, have two kids in college, and are actively trying to get out of debt within the next year, so just going and buying a ton of expensive hardware is not in the budget at this time. Otherwise I would be asking about towers. :)
I understand that the eggbeaters have their flaws, but I've read claims that the Eggbeater-II design (which is more Moxon-like from what I understand) offers better gain at the horizon than either the pure eggbeater or Moxon. Is this not the case?
-- Devin L. Ganger (WA7DLG) email: [email protected] web: Devin on Earth cell: +1 425.239.2575
-----Original Message----- From: Ted Krempa [email protected] Sent: Friday, May 3, 2019 1:56 PM To: Devin L. Ganger [email protected]; AMSAT BB <amsat- [email protected]> Subject: RE: [amsat-bb] ARRL Antenna book, eggbeater antenna designs
Hi Devin, frankly the 'eggbeater' days have come and gone in the
Attached is an article from QST on the Moxon turnstile, a much better
Better than that is an Elk on a 'rat shack rotor at 15-20 deg fixed el.
If interested, I can send you my files direct on either
73, Ted K7TRK
-----Original Message----- From: AMSAT-BB [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Devin L. Ganger via AMSAT-BB Sent: Friday, May 3, 2019 1:19 PM To: [email protected] Subject: [amsat-bb] ARRL Antenna book, eggbeater antenna designs
Greetings, programs!
I'm looking to work with my son (who will be studying to get his
license later this month) on building a UHF/VHF pair of eggbeater
I've found a few papers online, but does anyone have a good reference to
detailed design?
Does the ARRL Antenna book latest edition have any significant coverage
eggbeaters at all? I have an older version that has nothing.
Also, most of the designs I see are for a single band. If you're
deploying a pair
for satellite operations, do you simply attach them through a duplexer? I have a Diamond MX-72N that I picked up a while ago for using with dual Baofengs, but it's been sitting in my drawer since I picked up my
It has a 1.6~150MHz lead and a 350~460MHz lead.
Thanks in advance for any pointers you might have.
-- Devin L. Ganger (WA7DLG) email: [email protected]mailto:[email protected] web: Devin on Earthhttp://www.devinonearth.com/ cell: +1 425.239.2575
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