I guess our friend AO-109 must have been just waiting for us to open it up for amateur use before sending some telemetry :-)
Seriously, thanks to SatNogs, we found some telemetry that was recorded on May 10 just after we cranked up the modulator gain. In addition, a SatNogs observation today, July 21, also shows signs of weak telemetry.
We'd appreciate it if anyone who has a station that can receive telemetry, especially stations with good gain and tracking ability, could listen for AO-109 telemetry on 435.750. If FoxTelem is all you have that's great, but if you also have some way to capture the signal in a file (say IQ recording in HDSDR) that would be even better. Chances are the signal is weak enough that it might need some teasing by our experts before we can get any info out of it.
I'll also schedule some SatNogs observations, and anyone who has a SatNogs station with similar characteristics (gain antenna etc), please schedule some of your own over the next few days!
Thanks and 73,
Burns Fisher WB1FJ AMSAT Flight Software