Yaesu FT-726R Technical Supplement (Service Manual) http://www.radiomanual.info/schemi/FT726R_serv.pdf
TURN to Pages 55 and 87 of the Yaesu FT-726 Service Manual. The Lithium Coin Cell can be found on the FT-726 Control Board, BAT3001, Yaesu Part #: Q9000106 , CR-2025
This is a solder tab lithium coin cell battery. These batteries are used in millions of automotive and truck transponders (security parking, toll road collectors) and typically ~ $1 each.
Digi-Key and Mouser both stock Panasonic coin cells (w/solder tab) replacements, such as the BR2032 and CR2032 models. The Suffix determines solder tab configuration. The Panasonic CR-2032/HSN appears to be modern replacement, horizontally mounted the vertical pins have 15.2mm spacing. Drawing here: https://www.mouser.com/catalog/additional/panasonic_C_PMHJ1Z%20CR-2032%EF%BC...
DIGI-KEY P659-ND ; CR-2032/HSN https://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/panasonic-bsg/CR-2032-HSN/P659-ND/...
Mouser 658-CR-2032/HSN ; CR-2032/HSN https://www.mouser.com/ProductDetail/Panasonic-Battery/CR-2032-HSN/?qs=sGAEp...
NOTE: Lithium Batteries are prohibited from cargo transportation in passenger airplanes. So USPS Priority Mail, which often uses that cargo space, will not be allowed. Both Mouser and Digi-Key flag this during the order/shipping selection process.
greg, w9gb == Has anyone ever replaced the lithium battery (to keep memory in tact with power off) in the Yeasu FT-726R transceiver? If so was it difficult and do you remember the battery number? 73's Jim WA5QAP