John, There is an Amateur Radio SIG in the Fedora community that is ramping up quite a few programs. Goto http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SIGs/AmateurRadio and check it out. The link to the packages will take you to all the software development.
73s, Eric Christensen, W4OTN AMSAT Area Coordinator - Southeastern Virginia USA AMSAT Member 35360 http://www.ericsatcom.net
John Marranca, Jr wrote:
Hopefully someone can help me here.
I am experimenting with Ubuntu Linux 6.06 LTS here...and I'm so far impressed with the speed and ease of use. It's certainly no Windows XP, but it's not bad.
So...what are other Linux users using for APRS duty? Soundcard packet/APRS? Tracking?
No hurry...since I'm not swtiching my 333 MHz Celeron. I'm just in the "learning curve".