29 Jan
29 Jan
5:24 a.m.
There is a new version of the free HamSatDroid app now available on the Android Market.
I've changed it: - to use my SGP4 implementation, as used in GENSO. - plot three orbits ahead on the map - plot the footprint - take keps from celestrak
I've got quite a few more changes in development, thanks to the feedback we've had from the existing users.
Opinions are sought about making a small charge and paying the income into satellite buidling funds and supporting a server which might be introduced to improve functionality of the app.
Dave, G4DPZ AMSAT-NA Life Member AMSAT-UK Committee Member FUNcube Data Warehouse Developer
David A. Johnson
Senior Software Engineer
Black Pepper Software Limited
t: +44 1926 886 467
m: +44 7733 106 990
e: [email protected]
Web: www.blackpepper.co.uk
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