After careful consideration concerning this thread it seems we have three distinct areas that need to be, or are being, addressed.
Perhaps we could get some definitive answers as to where we/AMSAT stand on them as in some cases nothing further has been heard.
1) *The website* - my understanding is that this will become a Wiki style affair and that someone has already volunteered to start it
Is this correct? Is this happening? Who is doing this?
2) *The Satellite Status page* - I was asked to supply information to correct any inaccuracy's just before the idea was hatched to use the dcarr Live Oscar Satellite Status site as a feeder. Again I understand that this has been approved by David Carr, KD5QGR and is awaiting implementation.
Is this correct? Is this happening? Who is doing this?
3) *The volunteer page* - clearly the thing is broken and clearly people do not know this until after they have filled in the form. So would it not be an idea to state clearly on the home page of the website that the site is undergoing some sort of revamp? In that way viewers know the we know that the issues are being addressed.
Secondly, on the Satellite Status page, again some sort of wording should be appended referring to the ongoing upgrade of the site, also mentioning the future amalgamation of information from David Carr's site and provide a direct link to it? Maybe David would be kind enough to reciprocate with a direct link back to the AMSAT home page so that viewers can return easily.
Lastly the Volunteer page, again some words on it saying that it is not functioning, do not waste half an hour filling it in only to hit send and find its buggered. If interested e-mail Gould or someone else so designated.
I fear that without some positive short term damage limitation on the website, these threads are just going to keep popping up. The Volunteer page issue is now so old its got grey hairs!
Even if no body steps forward to volunteer to change anything at all, if the correct wording is applied to the website then people know where to go for the answers and information that they need and we/AMSAT don't look incompetent.