On Sun, May 15, 2011 at 4:11 PM, Zachary Beougher [email protected] wrote:
Hi Alexander,
Sorry I just missed you on AO51 - we will have to try again next time. Someone was covering you up pretty bad.
Yea! I just want to apologize for not coming back to you (I heard you!) and KC3K something. I couldn't call either of you because...
FN20rk got several thunderstorms as soon as I broke squelch and someone came back to me on AO-51. I literally heard my call sign (KC2ZSX) and rain started to come down followed by thunderstorms. I was outside and my Kenwood is not water proof (and I lose the signal).
I was crying...
I was so ecstatic guys. I am 2 month old ham and a brand new AMSAT enthusiast. I have loads of questions but I am making progress with my D72A.
I will definitely look for you and whoever else can come back to me.
One thing I notice is that its almost impossible not to step on someone during these sessions. I try my best not to step on anyone but there is almost no window to call someone! :-(
I did however buy a mic/headset combo for the D72A to make my life easier.
I have tried sending packets through the ISS with a stock rubber duck using my TH-D7A, and it is just about impossible. I have found that you either need a mobile rig with a higher power output, or you need a higher gain antenna (Arrow, Elk).
I got that, I have AL-800 telescoping whip connected to my TH-D72A. Works like a champ! :-)
Even with the Arrow I still have to try a few times to successfully send one through. I am not sure how similar the TH-D72A is to the TH-D7A, but on the D7 a "My Packet" appears and blinks once you have been digipeated. If you do not see this, you have probably not been digipeated.
00:00:05:40 : KC2ZSX-7]TPRV5R,RS0ISS-4*,qAS,KA3HSW-5:`f[al#E./]=
NASA can rest now. My letter has been shredded. I am on the map!
My first AMSAT victory (actually two, you heard me on AO-51). I am again, really pleased. When I saw "MY POSITION" I literally jumped up and said 'WOOOHOOO!'
Thanks to everyone on the list,
-aps (KC2ZSX)