There is no feedback from SO-50 when you send the 74.4 Hz tone on the uplink. You only have feedback after sending the 74.4 Hz tone when you switch back to the 67.0 Hz tone and transmit through the satellite (as long as you are working full-duplex), or when you hear another station transmitting through the satellite with the 67.0 Hz tone.
Good luck, and 73!
Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK Twitter: @WD9EWK
On Thu, Jul 16, 2015 at 2:50 PM, Neil Smith wrote:
Was anyone able to work the 1902 UTC west coast pass? It was coming in from the southeast over the pacific, so I figured it might not be turned on, but I expected to hear some traffic on it by the end of the pass. When it’s off and needs the 74.4hz 2 second tone to reset the timer does so-50 give any feedback to indicate that’s it’s now on?
-Neil N5EIL