Hi folks,

I'll be doing a couple demos today (6/15) for ARRL Kids Day at the Wendell Museum, in Wendell, North Carolina. Grid square is FM05.

RS-44 @ 18:48 UTC around 145.950 MHz
ISS Crossband @ 19:12 UTC

I'll use my personal callsign KG4AKV. If you call us, please mention your state/location.

I don't have much experience putting guest ops on my portable sat station, much less kids, but if we try, it will probably be on the ISS pass. I don't think I could manage adjusting for doppler/following other stations on RS-44, aiming the antenna, and coaching a kid at the same time.

For HF operations I believe the callsigns used will be N4MQU (Mark) and WW1H (Bill). Probably on 20m. ARRL is recommending frequencies of 14.270 to 14.300 MHz

While I believe ARRL Kids Day is from 18:00 UTC - 23:59 UTC, our event starts at 17:00 UTC and goes until 21:00 UTC.

I'll post any last minute sat updates on Twitter/X:




73, John Brier KG4AKV