Hi Bob,
I'm actually wondering if the 1100 meter long antenna would be visible from the ground. I suppose that depends on the height of the orbit, the width of the tether, orientation, and what color the tether will be. Have these been determined? Viewing the tether might be an interesting science experiment for students. Hey Bob-- Can you paint the tether bright white?
Can you make the tether out of something that's optically reflective? Hitting a corner reflector is difficult, but hitting a 1100 meter reflector strip should be much easier. Just make sure you fill out all the proper government paperwork and file all of the necessary "Notice to Airmen" forms before shining your lights upwards. :-)
How long is the tether expected to last? The Space Shuttle windows are only up for about a week at a time and they can get tiny mini-craters from the micrometeorite impacts.
Bob Bruninga wrote:
Our next Cubesat will have a 1100 meter long antenna (think tether satellite).